Just show up everyday

Today I saw a reel where the creator was showing how important is just to show up everyday and I was pondering about it for a few minutes. This thought is very useful for someone who's dealing with inconsistency, You have to just show up, even if you did 1% of the task at least you showed up and just showing up continuously will create a habit of doing the tasks even on the small scale and your subconscious will get addicted to the feeling of completing those tasks

This has actually worked out in my life. The December month last year was very important for me. I was testing how consistent I can be. I tried stretching exercises everyday and created an excel sheet to take notes that I am doing it everyday. This got me consistent to exercise everyday. I was just after the feeling I used to get when I note my progress in the excel sheet. I got addicted to it and eventually I did stretching everyday for December month.  And now till now I never got inconsistent with my exercise. Just showing up made me consistent like never before.

Especially in the social media era where everyone is showing how getting consistent with life and fetching the results. But it is not that easy. Imagine you go to the gym for the first time, it'll take more than a month to see noticeable results. But it will be way better than having nothing. But social media culture just puts it like a cakewalk. And the one who goes to the gym inspired by those social media rats and just overtrains his body is just out for those results and will quit the gym when he'll not see any results. That's why many  people give up after a few laps. This is why consistency matters. Doesn't matter how small the work is, if you're consistent enough, your success will just compound. And the feeling when you look at your stats and realize you showed up every day is just magnificent. 

I hope you got my point. Think about it.

Keep winning. Stay hard.


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