
Showing posts from February, 2022

Find Your Purpose

Don't have enough time to consume the entire podcast/Interview? Here are my notes from the interview of Jay Shetty by Tom Bilyeu titled  " Watch THIS to Find Your PURPOSE | Jay Shetty on Impact Theory ". How to find your purpose:            Step 1: Being exposed to unique experiences and role models.           Step 2: Finding that experiences and role models you're passionate about. Taking it seriously.                                                 Observe them (your role models), follow them, network with them, shadow them.           Step 3: Yes or No? Does that work for me? (Go with experiences, not the results.) Define an ideal life(Asked by Tom Bilyeu):       " An ideal life is when we have a heart, head and hand all three working in alignment."          Head: Clarity of vision(what you want)        Heart: Being able to understand your intuitions and heart one's being able to connect and tap into                                     deeper unde

Just show up everyday

Today I saw a reel where the creator was showing how important is just to show up everyday and I was pondering about it for a few minutes. This thought is very useful for someone who's dealing with inconsistency, You have to just show up, even if you did 1% of the task at least you showed up and just showing up continuously will create a habit of doing the tasks even on the small scale and your subconscious will get addicted to the feeling of completing those tasks This has actually worked out in my life. The December month last year was very important for me. I was testing how consistent I can be. I tried stretching exercises everyday and created an excel sheet to take notes that I am doing it everyday. This got me consistent to exercise everyday. I was just after the feeling I used to get when I note my progress in the excel sheet. I got addicted to it and eventually I did stretching everyday for December month.  And now till now I never got inconsistent with my exercise. Just sh